Pages is a low configuration way of publishing your documentation.
To publish your site to Cloudflare Pages you will need:
Optionally, you may also need:
Cloudflare offers three different ways to create Pages sites.
It's up to you which approach you choose but the fastest approach is to use the Wrangler CLI.
Wrangler makes light work of deploying to Cloudflare Pages, but first you need to get your files in order.
Build the static version of your documentation site by running:
commandnpm run build
This will generate a new folder called dist
that contains all the files that you need to deploy.
Next, if you don't already have one, create a new Pages project:
commandnpx wrangler pages project create
Finally, deploy the files to the new project:
commandnpx wrangler pages deploy ./dist
Within a few seconds the site will be live and viewable at <your-project-name>